The Official Reshapers Insights.
Vlogs, Blogs, Webinars, News, Updates, and All Things Reshapers.
2 Years of Reshaping Tumba Festival
For the second year in a row, Reshapers took the stage, both literally and digitally at Tumba Festival, partnering with AMAK to elevate its presence beyond the festival grounds and into the global spotlight. Our mission? To expand the Tumba Festival’s reach, engage a younger audience, and ensure that this cornerstone of our Curaçao culture continues to thrive in an era where digital connection is just as important as physical presence.
Reflect, Reaffirm, Reshape
We’re stepping into 2025 filled with immense pride and gratitude. This year holds special significance as we celebrate 15 years of Reshapers – 15 years of transforming challenges into opportunities, visions into strategies, and strategies into realities. It’s a milestone that calls for reflection and a reaffirmation of our purpose.
BtS at Reshapers: Catalyst Chronicles
Hi everyone! I'm Kyara, the new Communications Lead at Reshapers. As I dive into the Reshapers world, I’m excited to share my journey with you. Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at this amazing company!
For this post, I focused on Reshapers' more than ten years history with Catalyst, the originators of corporate team building with a network of team building partners. The Catalyst license, a significant investment for a young company just shy of three years at that time, has proven to be a cornerstone of Reshapers’ growth and success.
Ignite Your Team
Imagine a team once overflowing with energy, now slowly fading into mediocrity. The spark is gone, replaced by a tedious routine. Is this the future you envision? Or do you long for a workplace where people thrive, innovate, and achieve extraordinary results?
It’s time to ignite your team. The secret lies not in grand strategies or cutting-edge technology, but in the human touch. In today’s fast-paced world, relationships are the catalyst for transformation. Let’s embark on a journey to reconnect, rebuild, and reignite your team’s passion.
Level Up Your Gatherings
A strategic meeting that fails to materialize is an enormous missed opportunity. Taking a step back while you were hoping to move your organization forward with determination, is just not a risk worth running.
This is exactly the value of hiring a facilitator to come in and transform your gathering from ‘uggh’ to ‘yeah’! An expert facilitator can turn your ordinary meeting into a powerhouse session of productivity and creativity. Leave it up to a facilitator to do the work to ensure that every meeting minute is spent wisely.
Reshapers partners with Fundashon Tur Ta Konta for another successful “Kwes Tur Ta Konta”
Reshapers proudly partners with Fundashon Tur Ta Konta for the "Kwes Tur Ta Konta" event. This annual event brings math to life through interactive quizzes using the Go Team app. Together, Reshapers and Fundashon Tur Ta Konta foster learning and make a positive impact in the community.
Mastering Team Coaching: Techniques, Benefits, and How to Implement It
Discover the power of team coaching. Understand its benefits, learn effective techniques, and get practical steps for implementation in your workplace.
The Road Towards a Better Work Experience.
What does a normal working day look like? Do you stand up often or go for a walk during the day? Have you been stuck while doing a task without having any idea how to continue? And do you know that laughing at work isn’t something bad? Well, everyone can take some steps to improve their own work experience, and here are some top tips on how you can improve your work experience!
Emotions are Not Meant to Be Professionals
We all know that emotions are powerful forces. Historically we have seen emotions start wars and build peace; it has sparked a love and induced divorce. While unavoidable, emotions are what push us to take action. A relief, though, is that Emotional intelligence is not a fixed ability. You can improve your emotional intelligence, even at work, with training and practice in some key areas.
Work Management with Asana
Since 2012 Asana has been our great friend in our efforts to manage our team’s work and projects successfully. Asana helps us to coordinate our team’s work providing us with the infrastructure to map out all steps and organize all details in one place. This app lets us visualize our work through different stages quickly, easily, and beautifully.
Reaching a Higher Level Through Trial and Error
Most of us are experiencing the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on our businesses negatively or positively. This situation motivates us to innovate and think outside the box to reach another level we have never thought of reaching. Trial and error is an important concept to apply in our lives and the organization where we work. This process cannot be categorized as time-wasting or irrelevant. On the contrary, this will improve our skills and make them even better than before.
Strengthen Your Prioritization Muscles
“Make a to-do list, plan your daily tasks and break down your goals into smaller goals.”
These are the most common things we hear on a daily basis when we’re behind with our tasks. However, one thing is certain, “Creating a priority list is easier said than done.”
Leading in Times of Crisis - Jedrek's Perspective
Being a leader in times of crisis is one of the hardest things to do. You get questioned for everything you do, which is never good enough or accepted by all. During these trying times, we would like to take these six minutes of your time to give you my two cents about our approach to being a leader in times of change.
Working From Home With Kids, How Do We Do It?
As one of the major consequences of the COVID-19 situation we are all facing, working from home has become the new normal for many of us while taking care of our children. Here are some tips we found to be applicable to all of us.
How Remote Working Became A Part Of D&I And What We Learned
One of the most challenging, but also one of the best decisions we ever made was going remote. For us, it was a choice, but now it has become a must for others. Because of this pandemic, many things changed around us, and so did how we work. Companies were forced to take the next steps into the remote working world.
Building a Culture of Experimentation
A culture of experimentation is critical to business success. In today’s business world, executives and managers need to employ more innovative plans and ideas to garner greater attention, bring in more customers, and boost profits. The business world is changing, and many companies are implementing new advertising ideas, customer service strategies, and technological innovations. Adopting a culture of experimentation can truly benefit a business.
Communication: The One Critical Factor That May Break It Or Make It In Crisis!
A blog post about the role of communication in a time of crisis
Un karta pa Kòrsou
Mi Dushi Kòrsou, Delaster tempu ku mi ta kòmbersando ku bo yunan mi a ripará ku hopi a bin pèrdè e palabra ku nos ta yama fe. Bo yunan a kuminsá pèrdè fe den yen komponente ku huntu ta forma e dushi isla ku nos tur stima kual ta abo. Bo yunan ta pèrdè fe den bo ekonomia, tin asta den bo gobièrnu, pero esun ku ta duel mi mas tantu, ta ku tin di bo yunan ta pèrdè fe den nan propio rumannan. E delaster kos ku bo yunan por pèrdè fe den dje, ta den nan rumannan (e pueblo). Ta bo pueblo ta forma bo i hasi bo e dushi isla ku bo ta. Ora mi sinta pensa riba esaki, mi ta ripará ku nos reto di mas grandi ku nos tin nos dilanti aworaki, ta pa restourá e Fe bèk den mi rumannan. Sí, mi ta bisa NOS pasó ta ami, abo i mi rumannan huntu tin ku hasié.
You don’t just pay for what you can see
Since the beginning of time, there’s been a battle that’s still going on. What battle, you may ask? It’s the battle between creators and consumers. HUH?? Yes, you read that correctly: the battle merely focuses on what creators see and what consumers see, and it all comes down to the price of the final product or service. We must have said at least one of these things: “Wow, the price is too high!”; or, “Can I get a discount?”; or, “I don’t see why it’s so expensive.” I must admit, I’ve said each one of them at least five times in my life, and that was before I started calling myself a graphic designer
Knocking over the right pins
In the business world, you decide consciously whether or not to communicate your message and your medium. However, the decision to communicate itself is a message. Whatever action you take, it says something about you. Even if you remain silent, you are saying something. From this perspective, it is not possible to not communicate. So, we’re better off if we choose to communicate properly. Now, I’m not here to tell you how to formulate communication messages (at least not this time). This blog is about the basic factors you must focus on when choosing communication channels.