Reaching a Higher Level Through Trial and Error


Most of us are experiencing the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on our businesses in a negative or positive way. This situation motivates us to innovate and think outside of the box to reach another level where you have never thought of reaching before. Trial and error is an important concept to apply in our lives and in the organization where we are working. This process cannot be categorized as time-wasting or irrelevant. On the contrary, this will improve our skills and make them even better than before. 

The concept of trial and error lead us to the launch of the Crew Dragon spacecraft on Saturday, May 30th, of the year 2020. This was so spectacular and phenomenal, and thinking about the one behind the whole Crew Dragon spacecraft, will bring us to the founder and CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk. The first thing that might come to mind when thinking of Elon Musk is Tesla motors. Elon Musk thinks out of the box and strives to reach the utmost of his brilliant ideas. Ideas that may sound futuristic and science fiction, he makes them a reality. Besides Tesla, he is also the founder of some business concepts you cannot imagine, like The Boring Company (a company devoted to boring and building tunnels to reduce street traffic) and Hyperloop (a concept for a new form of transportation). These are examples of business ideas that Musk does invest his fortune in and does not hold back. As he said: 

"I think ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary."

Let’s focus on the journey of the company SpaceX. At first, it started with a dream of Musk to make space travel to the International Space Station. So in 2002, SpaceX was founded, and in 2020 it all became a reality when two astronauts launched the Dragon Spacecraft to the ISS. One of the reasons that make this act so spectacular is that SpaceX is a commercial company that had to give it all, through trial and error, to improve the spacecraft. They first started with cargo flights to the ISS in 2002, which led to the magnificent day, May 30th, 2020, when Elon Musk and SpaceX have reached another milestone!

As a company, we celebrated our 10th anniversary on May 17th, 2020. Looking back to where we came from, and what we have achieved during all those years, trial and error was part of the process which has shaped us to become the company we are today. It all started as a dream that became a reality ten years ago.

Reaching this far, we are talking about a community where we are all focusing in one direction to reach our main goals together. A key factor to accomplish this is to have proper communication with each other and to be reliable with one another. Along the way, we have experienced different situations and have been using this feedback method of Start, Stop, Continue to help us create a constructive relationship and a growing team. 

The whole world is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and the after-effects of this pandemic. To keep up and still be relevant to others, the collectiveness is what will lead you to success during these tough times. During these times you have to be more creative and keep on thinking outside the box, as Elon Musk once said: "The first step is to establish that something is possible, then probability will occur."

So, when you have an idea, you must stand 100% behind it. By trial and error, your idea will crystallize with success, as the long journey of Elon Musk with his company SpaceX, that he has started in 2002 and had successfully launched astronauts to space a couple of weeks ago. As a company, you have to be open to new adventures and take risks when starting a new journey which you have never done before, on top of it in a critical situation. 

Elon Musk said it best: "Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."

With this said, you have to keep on pushing yourself, your colleagues, and the whole company to the limit. Your business culture might have an impact on this way of thinking. So don’t let your ideas stay in the box, but get them out and put them into practice. It is up to you to be relevant to your customers and the future leads. "you could either watch it happen or be a part of it." - Elon Musk.

Looking for more ways to improve your team’s efficiency? Check out this article for tips on working remotely.

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