The Road Towards a Better Work Experience.


What does a normal working day look like? Do you stand up often or go for a walk during the day? Have you been stuck while doing a task without having any idea how to continue? And do you know that laughing at work isn’t something bad? Well, everyone can take some steps to improve their own work experience, and here are some top tips on how you can improve your work experience!

Stand up.

Sitting down all day may become boring at some point, in fact, it’s not even good for our body. Therefore it is recommended to stand up and go for a walk to the kitchen, restroom, to a colleague, walk down the stairs or simply stand up for a couple of seconds at your own desk and stretch out, shake your hands and legs so your blood can circulate through your body and your muscles will get out of their static position. Make it an hourly routine to stand up and go for a walk. You will feel better and be able to focus more effectively when you settle down to work again.

Get outside.

Smokers may have a bad habit, but besides this, they do something healthy. They stand up, take a small break and go outside quite often. Spending those breaks outside is actually a great way to amplify the positive effects associated with taking breaks. This change of scenery together with the sunlight provides numerous health benefits like an increase of vitamin D but also the sunlight that makes people more cheerful which leads to increased productivity. Sometimes you are feeling blocked with something you're constantly working on during the day. It’s okay to distance yourself, take a walk, or simply do something else to refresh your mind and come back to it later on. Have you ever noticed how you work harder when you’re feeling upbeat? That’s not a coincidence!

Eat lunch away from your desk.

Go sit somewhere else and get disconnected for a moment from your work spot. For instance, during the lunch break, I sit at another desk near a window, stare outside for a moment, and feel the warmth from the sunlight that compensates for the cold from our air conditioning at the office. This moment can also be used to create a deeper relationship with other colleagues. Don’t talk about work, but share some life stories or personal things to show that you care about who they are outside as well as inside the office.

Hold regular check-in meetings.

We often have weekly team meetings where the agenda goes all about tasks. By broadening these types of meetings allow people to share what’s going well for them or not. When enabling daily and transparent communication between team members, you help them stay accountable to themselves and to one another, but will also help everyone to get to know each other much better and build trust. This will lead to great productivity and happiness at work. This type of meeting also gives you a clear view of others’ availability throughout the day and you can share your needs for the day so everyone on the team is up to date. If you want to know more in-depth about how to hold a check-in meeting? Visit and get started with your regular check-in meetings to see how it works for your team.

Share a laugh.

It is never a dull moment while at the office, these little moments are the ones that can make a colleague’s day or simply create good vibes at the office. One thing is for sure, there is nothing worse than forced jollity. Make every moment count, even though you might be busy and completely focused on what you’re doing. A little laughter may be the boost to continue doing what you were doing. Positive emotions have been shown to alleviate the negative physical impacts of stress as well as helping to build friendships and trust.

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