The Official Reshapers Insights.
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Is Your Culture Helping or Hurting You?
Some might say that life’s too short for reading bad books, sitting in long meetings, and drinking bad wine (there are a million more examples that I could mention, but I’ll leave it at three so you won't say that life’s too short to read this blog post). If you asked us to fill in the blank for Life’s too short to… We would put “foster a bad culture.”
Words: Powerful weapons in the hands of great leaders!
How do your team members feel when they leave your office? Do you manage to motivate them and help them build their confidence with the words you use? Or are you an expert in breaking them down into pieces, causing them to become more insecure daily? As a leader, you have a great responsibility when communicating with others. And if you want to become a great leader, you must take this responsibility seriously. The way you communicate with people may mark them forever...
The Invasion of the Time Stealers
Lis-Marina went on a search for ways to track down her time stealers and prevent them from stealing her time again. She shares the techniques that she's found most helpful when it comes to improving time management.
How to Deal with Millennials in the Workforce
In this ever-changing world, one thing we don't realize that is changing and changing drastically is our workforce and our work culture and environment. We, the younger generation (millennials), are taking over the workforce. Still, for the managers and supervisors who mostly are in a higher position than us who are just stepping into the workplace, it can be really hard to deal with us, especially since we have different looks and perceptions of work and how to deal with work. But to better understand it all, we must see it from both perspectives.
Are we measuring what truly matters?
Lately, we Millennials have been asking ourselves some important questions: ‘What is the deciding factor when choosing a place to work?’ In my office, the most common answers are, ‘A place where I feel at home, ‘A place where I can grow and be happy.’ These answers don’t mention money. Instead, they center on a healthy corporate culture. Why do my peers and I have different job expectations than previous generations? Is this a sign of some shift in generational attitudes? Are we approaching the first dawn of a new age?
The simplest ways to develop Big Picture thinking skills
If people understand the overall objective of their organization and how their work fits into it, it helps them to do their job better. It might help them enjoy what they do. In a world were focusing on details and small things is imperative, how does one distinguish the trees without losing sight of the forest? Here are six tips to help you develop big-picture thinking skills...
Is your performance stuck at OK? Upgrade to OKRs
At Reshapers, we faced an interesting dilemma – over the course of a few years, our organization had grown so rapidly that our team had doubled in size. While we were, of course, thrilled with this development, growth brings its challenges. In our case, I worried about how I could ensure that every member of our newly expanded team was properly aligned with my vision for the company.
Our Partnership with Catalyst Global
Since 2014, Reshapers is proud to be part of the Catalyst Global Family. Take a look at the video for more information about this partnership.
The Future of Work is Play: Gamification and Entrepreneurs
We all played games when we were young. Game playing has helped us build a certain foundational skill set since childhood. Gaming has instilled in us the assets and traits that make us well-prepared to succeed as entrepreneurs.